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Thursday, 13 March 2014

Kidneys produce an active form of vitamin D

Today is World Kidney Day! Kidneys produce an active form of vitamin D, remove waste products from the body and control the production of red blood cells. Here are more interesting facts about kidneys.

→ Each kidney has about 1 million nephrons.
→ Kidneys represent 0.5% of the body’s entire weight.
→ Your kidneys clean about 1 litre of blood every minute.
→ Kidneys filter about 2 litres of urine every day.
→ Kidneys receive 20 to 25% of all the blood pumped by the heart.

A glory has been seen for the very first time in the atmosphere of Venus

A glory has been seen for the very first time in the atmosphere of Venus – it’s also the first time one has been fully imagined in another planet! A glory is a natural phenomenon that occurs frequently on Earth. It occurs when sunlight shines on cloud droplets (water), forming a sort of circular rainbow. The one seen in Venus formed when sunlight shone on sulphuric acid droplets.